My next print publication is out! In 2018 I held a workshop at the Sigmund Freud University Berlin at the congress The psychodynamics of creative design: Artistic therapies in clinical and psychological fields of work, the annual meeting of the International society for art, design and therapy. My workshop was about getting to know and trying out my rating instrument for two-dimensional visual works (RizbA). Now a conference proceedings book has been published, in which you can also find my article in German language:
Schoch, K. (2020). Psyche, Kreativität und Bildlicher Ausdruck: Ein quantitatives Ratinginstrument zur Formalen Bildanalyse (RizbA) [Psyche, creativity and pictorial expression: A quantitative rating instrument for formal image analysis (RizbA)]. In Franzen, G., Hampe, R., & Wigger, M. (2020). Zur Psychodynamik kreativen Gestaltens: Künstlerische Therapien in klinischen Arbeitsfeldern [The psychodynamics of creative design: Artistic therapies in clinical and psychological fields of work]. Karl Alber Verlag. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4058380

A lot has happened since this conference. The rating instrument has been further developed, validated and is already being used in several studies. Nevertheless, you can read my article here as an Open Access preprint, which presents the instrument in a clear and concise manner in German language. The latest version of my questionnaire is freely available as Open Methodology.
The complete publication with all contributions of all authors can be found at Karl Alber Verlag. Thanks to the editors Georg Franzen, Ruth Hampe and Monika Wigger for inviting me to be part of this publication!