last online study within my PhD project
win avocadostore vouchers

For my fourth and last study within my PhD project, I am once again looking for participants, who have an academic degree related to visual arts or are studying in this field at least in their 3rd semester. This includes, for example
Art studies
Image science
Art history
Art education
Art therapy
Fine arts
Applied arts
Graphic design
what’s it about?
This is the fourth study validating my quantitative rating instrument for two-dimensional pictorial works (RizbA) on contemporary art and amateurs’ works. It is intended to enable experts to describe visual works objectively in the sense of a formal picture analysis. The questionnaire is already freely available in terms of Open Science and can be used for documentation and research.
The current study examines whether pictorial expression has a stable factor structure with dimensions, e.g. representation, shape, color. This is too similar to personality tests measuring the Big Five or Big Six. After this study, RizbA can then be used as a validated questionnaire similar to a psychological test and in both, documentation and research. It allows the application of inferential statistics and has quality criteria that are as high as established psychometric tests.
The study is part of my PhD project at the Department Psychology and Psychotherapy at Witten/Herdecke University and my work as a research assistant at the HKS – University for applied sciences and arts in Ottersberg.
participate and win
The study adresses only German speakers. The processing takes about 20 – 30 minutes. Please make sure that you are undisturbed during this time. Among all participants, two vouchers for Avocadostore in the amount of 20 Euro each will be raffled.
You can participate directly via the following link: