Dismantle Sanism. On May 17, 2023, I will be holding a free digital workshop on sanism at the Medical School Hamburg. Sign up, drop in, and join the discussion on how we can make therapy and research more sensitive to discrimination.

dismantle sanism
feministische therapie und open science
digital workshop
May 17, 2023 | 5:30–7:00 pm
Medical School Hamburg, Campus Arts and Social Change
registration directly via MSH
free of charge
Sanism is the discrimination of people on the basis of actual or perceived mental illness. It is pervasive in our society and yet rarely talked about, even in therapy and science. Feminist therapies and Open Science are working to change these discrimination practices. They challenge hierarchical structures, incorporate realities of multiple marginalization, and strive for knowledge equity. Both are intersectional, community-based, and collaborative in nature. In addition to theoretical input, we will share where sanism can be found and how neurodiverse feminist futures might look like.
Trigger warning: mental health, sanism