knowledge equity

Open ≠ equity. As a mentor in the Open Science Fellow Program and in collaboration with Wikimedia Germany, other mentors, and a fellow I created a learning unit on Knowledge Equity. It includes short video inputs on the Wikimedia Movement Strategy 2030, privilege and discrimination in research, inclusive education, social inequality in academia, and language diversity in research. Freely available as always. Read more →

eine einfarbige blaue Fläche / a solid blue surface

forum positions

Together with Raja Goltz and Lea Jungmann, I am organizing the Forum Positions in the summer semester 2021 at the HKS – University of Applied Sciences and Arts Ottersberg. The event offers exciting talks on arts, science, pedagogy, psychology and intersectionality. The talks are partly in German, partly in English, always digital, public and free of charge. Register and be part of it. Read more →

ein Haufen Buchstaben auf einem Scrabble Spielfeld / a bunch of letters at a Scrabble board playfield

awareness concept for digital events

In collaboration with Lea Jungmann and within my work as a lecturer and equal opportunities representant at the HKS – University of applied sciences and arts in Ottersberg, I just created an awareness concept for digital events. It contains recommendations regarding awareness persons, safer space breakout rooms, neo-/pronouns, terminology and more. Read more →

verschiedene Farbschichten auf weißen Untergrund

precarious equality in universities

It’s time for a critical comment on equality structures at small universities in Germany. In 2019, I was elected by the vote of all female university members (yes, the election regulations still see gender in a binary way) to be the equal opportunities representant of the HKS – University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Ottersberg. I am thankful for this trust that has been placed in me. This is one of the reasons why I would like to address structural deficiencies in my work and that of other equal opportunity representants. Read more →

performance situation: Simone's hands touching Kerstin's face, that is covered with confetti

what do I need you for?

Just in time for the end of my current third-party funding position at the HKS – University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Ottersberg, Raoul Pilcicki, Sara Schwienbacher and I just published our publication on new trans- and postdisciplinary in art and research. Among other positions, it includes my article on science as a critical stance: objectivity, feminist research and open science. The book is now digitally available as Open Access. Read more →