Part of my job is not only research and teaching, but also supporting future scientists in working scientifically. In Creative Arts Therapies this is in particular importanten, because until now this is a particulary practice-oriented field and its not common for graduates to join research. By now I supervised several theses at Witten/Herdecke University and HKS University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Ottersberg. And teaching good scientific practice includes priniciples of Open Science. Thus I am all the more pleased that two theses now are freely available via Zenodo repository.
pictorial expression of chronic pain and recurrent depression
Both are pilot studies, applying my rating instrument for two-dimensional pictorial works (RizbA) to clinical samples of image material. In doing so Clara Epstein and Beeke Janßen investigate a basic assumption of art therapy. This hypothesis states, that the artwork is related to the artist’s psyche – in this case chronic pain and recurrent depresseion.
Both theses are in German language, but will prospectively be published as English articles as well.
- Epstein, Clara. (2019, March 22). Bildlicher Ausdruck von Depression: Erprobung des Ratinginstruments RizbA an Bildstichproben aus dem klinischen Kunsttherapiesetting [Pictorial expression of depression: Testing the ratinginstrument RizbA on image samples from a clinical art therapy setting]. Zenodo.
- Janßen, B. (2018, August 13). Erprobung des Ratinginstruments für zweidimensionale bildnerische Arbeiten (RizbA): Pilotstudie zur Untersuchung des bildlichen Ausdrucks in gemalten Bildern von Menschen mit chronischer Schmerzsymptomatik [Testing the rating instrument for two-dimensional pictorial works (RizbA): Pilot study for investigating pictorial expression in pictures painted by people with chronic pain symptoms]. Hochschule für Künste im Sozialen, Otterberg. Zenodo.
If you are German speaker: For supporting Open Science and further studies on RizbA, join the current online study by Julia Jerusalem here.