Tag Archive for RizbA

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empirics vs. art theory

Out now! My latest scientific article is now published at the Creativity Research Journal. It investigates a factor structure of my Rating instrument for two-dimensional pictorial works (RizbA) and discusses current gaps between art theory and empirical research on art. All data, methodology, and a preprint version are freely available under the premises of Open Science. Read more →

Auf violett glitzerndem Hintergrund steht geschrieben "The art of measuring art" | On purple glittering background is written "The art of measuring art"


It’s official, I’m Dr. phil. in psychology now! You want to know what I spent my time with the last years? Here you go. My cumulative dissertation is now available as Open Access. It gives an overview of my research on an instrument for quantifying artworks on a formal pictorial level. This includes a total of 11 studies, and several publications. Read more →

psychometrics of art

All good things are worth waiting for and getting published. My study conducted in 2017 has now been published in the Creativity Research Journal after a few rounds of peer review. The study validated the Rating instrument for two-dimensional pictorial works (RizbA) on 880 drawings, paintings, and collages created by non-artists and non-professional artists. Spoiler: It works. Read more →

The book "International advances in art therapy research and practice" lying on a brown and white patterned blanket

the emerging picture

Out now! In 2019 I presented my research at the Inaugural International Art Therapy Practice/ Research Conference at the Queen Mary University of London organized by the British Association of Art Therapists (BAAT) and the American Art Therapy Association (AATA). It was one of the best conferences I attended and I met wonderful new international colleagues. Now the conference preceedings book is published including my chapter, for which I provide you an Open Access preprint. Read more →

call: send me your picture

You like to draw or paint, but haven’t studied it? You don’t actually paint, but would like to try it out? You don’t like painting, but supporting research? Then participate and send me a picture you created! As a thank you, I am raffling two Avocadostore vouchers, each worth 20 euros, among all participants. Read more →