The brand-new open access journal of the German scientific society for Creative Arts Therapies (WFKT)
In 2017, after some preparatory work and discussions within and between the disciplines of Creative Arts Therapies, we founded the first German scientific society for Creative Arts Therapies (WFKT). The difference with existing professional associations, such as the German professional association for art and design therapy (DFKGT) focuses on the promotion of science. Thus, it is independent of occupational policy issues and complements existing professional associations. Concrete goals of the WFKT are the following:
- Development of strategies for research in Creative Arts Therapies
- Promotion of research projects
- Presence at inter-/national conferences of the health sector
- Promotion of young scientists
- Dialogue between science and practice
- Promotion of the scientific discourse between the individual disciplines
- Contact with healthcare bodies, e.g. participation in the preparation of guidelines in the German Association of Scientific Medical Societies (AWMF)
- Establish the establishment of an own scientific publication organ
the journal
As for the latter, the new bilingual journal GMS Journal of Arts Therapies – Journal of Art-, Music-, Dance-, Drama- and Poetry-Therapy has just come online. A first editorial on the journal itself is already available. What I like most about it, is its transdisciplinarity beyond Creative Arts Therapies, that it strives for gender-equitable language and, of course, the fact that it is completely open access. The publication fees are humble and offer an even lower option for students who want to publish outstanding theses. Articles can be submitted from now on.