
Eine Person von hinten, die mit beiden Händen an eine Wand mit schwarzer Farbe malt. Darüber steht: Gesichter einer Ausstellung – Ein Film über Kunst und Schizophrenie

faces of an exhibition

Can art tell something about schizophrenia that language cannot express? FACES OF AN EXHIBITION is an immersive documentary that accompanies the first project of our Pop-Up Institute. A group of artists with and without schizophrenia experience create mental – an art festival on schizophrenia and against sanism. The documentary is now freely available. Read more →

Festivalposter: Eine farbige 3D Grafik über der der Titel "mental" liegt. Links oben steht "Das Kunstfestival zu Schizophrenie". Rechts unten steht "11.-18. Juni 2022".

mental – the art festival on schizophrenia

How does it feel to experience schizophrenia? The Pop-up Institute brought together eight artists with and without schizophrenia experience. Together, they created an intermedia art festival that will take place at Moritzplatz in Berlin from June 11 to 18, 2022. On display will be interactive exhibits that attempt to bring the experience of schizophrenia to life. They will be accompanied by workshops, artist talks, and performances. The accompanying educational program is especially aimed at young people aged 15 and older. Educators and teachers are invited to visit with their classes or groups free of charge. Read more →

vor einer mit schwarz und weiß besprühten Wand sind ebenfalls schwarze und weiße Gegenstände zu einer Komposition arrangiert | in front of a wall sprayed with black and white, black and white objects are arranged into a composition

pop pop

We’ve been to Marzahn and made art. On September 5/6, 2021, one of our subprojects of the Pop-up Institute met and worked together with spray chalk, gouache, charcoal, pigments and object trouvés in a production hall that will soon be demolished. Besides two experts with schizophrenia experience as well as two artists and creative arts therapists, Nina Wesemann cinematically accompanied us. Read more →

Ein Sofa steht vor einer gelben Wand. Darüber hängen gezeichnete Portraits | A sofa stands in front of a yellow wall. Above are drawn portraits


We can hardly believe it! With the Pop-up Institute we have just experienced not only a great kick-off meeting, our first project is now also being documented on film by Nina Wesemann. This is made possible by the Volkswagen Foundation, which in addition to funding our Pop-up Institute is also supporting the creation and distribution of the film. Read more →

Eine silberne Klangkugel auf Steinboden, dahinter stehende eine Person mit Stativ und Kamera, eine stehende Person mit Kind sowie zwei sitzende Personen | A silver sound ball on stone floor, behind it standing a person with tripod and camera, a standing person with child and two sitting persons


Yay, our Pop-up Institute starts into the artistic phase! In the kick-off meeting on June 24/25, 2021, all collaborators met for the first time in Berlin to artistically work together. In the team: Experts with schizophrenia experience, experts in Creative Arts Therapies, visual arts, music, performance, dance and theater as well as a director and camerawoman. Read more →