+++ Update: digital version now freely available as Open Access +++
My first editorial work is available. Together with Prof. Dr. Constanze Schulze-Stampa I have published a volume on interventions and art in the publication series Art + Research of the HKS – University of applied sciences and arts in Ottersberg.
intervention and art
Intervention means interfering a situation or a context of action, but also interruption, provocation and mediation. Interventions are needed from a systemic point of view to stimulate change to open new development perspectives in social systems (Luhmann, 1994). This creates relevant conditions for changes, for example in forms of communication and interaction in the system (Willke, 2005). For the success of interventions as a conducive irritation or stimulating stimulus, it is significant that communication is perceived and used as a “difference that makes a difference” (Bateson, 1995).
The starting point is a broad understanding of interventions with artistic media in terms of different formats, qualities, possibilities and fields of application. It encompasses various forms of fine art in public space (installation, sculpture, dance, performances, etc.) and forms of theater as a special artistic intervention in organizational structures.
The volume shows the varied use of the concept of intervention coming from the authors’ artistic and scientific perspectives:
- Fabian Chyle
- Martin Dornberg
- Hannes Egger
- Alexandra Modesta Hopf
- Christina Niedermann
- Thomas Ostermann
- Tim Raupach
- Petra Straß
- Fabian Chyle & Martin Dornberg
Intervention, Verkörperung und Bedeutung [Intervention, embodiment and meaning] - Hannes Egger
Vom Sehen und Gesehen werden: Das Publikum als performativer Körper [About seeing and being seen: The audience as a performative body] - Alexandra Modesta Hopf
Kunsttherapeutische Interventionen: Von der Notwendigkeit des Eingreifens [Art therapeutic interventions: The neccesity of intervention] - Christina Niedermann & Thomas Ostermann
Zur Bedeutung von Gartengestaltung für die Erfassung mentaler Gesundheit: Konzeptentwurf eines Pilotprojekts [The significance of garden design for the acquisition of mental health: Concept of a pilot project] - Tim Raupach
Serious Games und Serious Gaming: Computerspiele als Lern- und Therapieinstrument [Serious Games und Serious Gaming: Computer games as a learning and therapy tool] - Petra Straß
Experimentier- und Kommunikationsraum Bühne: Ausgewählte Projektskizzen [The stage as an experimental and communication room: Selected project sketches]
Schulze-Stampa, C., & Schoch, K. (Eds.) (2019). In/ter/ven/tion: in mit durch Kunst [In/ter/ven/tion: in with through art]. Publication series art + research, No. 5. Ottersberg: HKS – University of Applied sciences and arts in Ottersberg. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3952403
published in German
Photographic collages: Hannah Licia Hansen Santana
Photographic material for collages: Stephanie Lange und Paulina Lapp
Editorial design: Denise Tobinski
The publication is part of the Research focus artistic interventions in prevention and health promotion at HKS – University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Ottersberg. The research focus including this publication is funded by VolkswagenStiftung and the Lower Saxony Ministry for Science and Culture.
open access
A digital Open Access version is freely available and can be downloaded via Zenodo.
The print publication is available for a contribution fee of 5 € plus postage. If you are interested write a short mail to Stephanie Lange (stephanie.lange@studi.hks-ottersberg.de).
Luhmann, N. (1994). Soziale Systeme: Grundriss einer allgemeinen Theorie [Social systems: Layout of a general theory]. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
Bateson, G. (1995). Geist und Natur: Eine notwendige Einheit [Spirit and nature: A necessary unit]. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
Willke, H. (2005). Systemtheorie II: Interventionstheorie [System theory I: Intervention theory]. Stuttgart: Lucius & Lucius.