Tag Archive for creative arts therapies

Foto eines Pinsels und eines Rührbesens, die beide mit Farbe versehen sind

study art therapy 2.0

Now there’s an update to my popular blog post about studying art therapy. I am regularly asked two things: whether I can recommend studying art therapy and where you can study art therapy. The first question is easy to answer: Yup. Art therapy is awesome and I would choose it again. This blog post on universities with art therapy courses in Germany is dedicated to the second question. Read more →

vor einer mit schwarz und weiß besprühten Wand sind ebenfalls schwarze und weiße Gegenstände zu einer Komposition arrangiert | in front of a wall sprayed with black and white, black and white objects are arranged into a composition

pop pop

We’ve been to Marzahn and made art. On September 5/6, 2021, one of our subprojects of the Pop-up Institute met and worked together with spray chalk, gouache, charcoal, pigments and object trouvés in a production hall that will soon be demolished. Besides two experts with schizophrenia experience as well as two artists and creative arts therapists, Nina Wesemann cinematically accompanied us. Read more →

Eine silberne Klangkugel auf Steinboden, dahinter stehende eine Person mit Stativ und Kamera, eine stehende Person mit Kind sowie zwei sitzende Personen | A silver sound ball on stone floor, behind it standing a person with tripod and camera, a standing person with child and two sitting persons


Yay, our Pop-up Institute starts into the artistic phase! In the kick-off meeting on June 24/25, 2021, all collaborators met for the first time in Berlin to artistically work together. In the team: Experts with schizophrenia experience, experts in Creative Arts Therapies, visual arts, music, performance, dance and theater as well as a director and camerawoman. Read more →

performance situation: Simone's hands touching Kerstin's face, that is covered with confetti

what do I need you for?

Just in time for the end of my current third-party funding position at the HKS – University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Ottersberg, Raoul Pilcicki, Sara Schwienbacher and I just published our publication on new trans- and postdisciplinary in art and research. Among other positions, it includes my article on science as a critical stance: objectivity, feminist research and open science. The book is now digitally available as Open Access. Read more →

find your therapist

About Creative Arts Therapies, how to find the right therapist and what you should pay attention to when doing so. There are many good reasons to do a therapy. One of them is to get to know yourself better. This makes life easier and more beautiful for yourself and with other people. Read more →