what do I need you for?

Just in time for the end of my current third-party funding position at the Hochschule für Künste im Sozialen, Ottersberg, Raoul Pilcicki, Sara Schwienbacher and I just published our publication on new trans- and postdisciplinary perspectives in art and research. The book is now digitally available as Open Access.

performance situation: Simone's hands touching Kerstin's face, that is covered with confetti

performance + discussion

We discussed, performed, thought, wrote and discussed again. That is how this publication was created. It is dedicated to new perspectives on art and research from the perspective of us early career researchers. We, that are the research assistants and (former) graduate scholarship holders of the research focus artistic interventions in health promotion and prevention with our respective positions. The latter are transdisciplinary and include both empirical and art-based perspectives, but also various artistic disciplines such as visual arts, performance, dance and theater.

performance situtation: two women standing at a window looking in different directions, one out of the window, the other into the room

science + feminism

Among other positions, the book contains my article Science as a critical stance: Objectivity, feminist research and Open Science. Because if we want to revolutionize science and society, Feminist Research and Open Science are effective positions. Both are about dehierarchization. While Feminist Research changes science through its power-critical, intersectional stance, Open Science opens up practical opportunities to revolutionize science. In doing so, we must critically question the extent to which traditional concepts of science theory and practice still fit into our society, how they need to be modified and what needs to be discarded. Pursuing Open Science in a feminist and postdisciplinary way means looking at the same subject from as many different perspectives as possible and not shying away from discourse.

performance situation: four people looking up to a paper notebook one of them is holding up

the team

My co-editors:

  • Sara Schwienbacher
    HKS – University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Ottersberg / Dresden University of Technology
  • Raoul Pilcicki
    HKS – University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Ottersberg / Jacobs University Bremen

Our authors:

  • Simone Klees
    HfWU Nürtingen-Geislingen University of Applied Sciences / Berlin University of the Arts
  • Martin Nachbar
    Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts / Hafen City University Hamburg
  • Christina Niedermann
    HKS – University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Ottersberg / Witten/Herdecke University

Photographies: Christoph Jäger
Design: Sophia Tobler


Pilcicki, R., Schoch, K., & Schwienbacher, S. (Hrsg.) (2020). Wofür brauche ich dich? Neue trans- + postdisziplinäre Perspektiven in Kunst + Forschung [What do I need you for? New trans- + postdisciplinary perspectives in art + research]. Publikationsreihe Kunst + Forschung, No. 9. Ottersberg: Hochschule für Künste im Sozialen, Ottersberg. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4294894

The research focus artistic interventions in health promotion and prevention as well as the publication are financed by the Volkswagen Foundation through the Ministry of Science and Culture of Lower Saxony.

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