
Prof. Dr. phil. Kerstin Schoch
scientist | art therapist | psychologist

A portrait photo of Kerstin in a yellow sweater


since 2022
Medical School Hamburg
Faculty of Art, Health and Social Science
Institute for Research in Arts Therapies (IRAT)
Professor of Intermedial Art Therapy

2016 – 2022
Witten/Herdecke University
Faculty of health
Department psychology and psychotherapy
Chair for research methods and statistics in psychology
Dr. phil. in psychology

2010 2014
University of Mannheim
B.Sc. in psychology

Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmengen University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands
Erasmus studies creative art therapy

2003 2007
HKT – Nürtingen University of Applied Sciences
Artistic training at Almut Glinin and Prof. Andreas Mayer-Brennenstuhl

2003 2008
HKT – Nürtingen University of Applied Sciences
Diploma in art therapy

1993 2002
Zabergäu Gymnasium Brackenheim, Abitur


2023 – 2024
re•shape – a Wikimedia program to promote Knowledge Equity
Wikimedia Germany

since 2021
The Pop-up Institute, Berlin
Own third-party project funded by the Volkswagen Foundation
HKS – University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Ottersberg
Research assistant

2020 – 2021
Open Science Fellows Program, Wikimedia Germany
Mentor Knowledge Equity

2020 – 2022
Sigmund Freud PrivatUniversität Berlin
Lecturer at the university studies art therapy, consulting hour on research methods

2019 – 2021
HKS – University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Ottersberg
Equality representant

2018 – 2022
HfWU Nürtingen-Geislingen University of Applied Sciences
Lecturer at the university studies Creative Arts Therapies (HKT)

SRH University Heidelberg of Applied Sciences
Lecturer at the faculty of social sciences and law

2016 – 2020
HKS – University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Ottersberg, Institute for Art Therapy and Research, Research focus artistic interventions in prevention and health promotion funded by VolkswagenStiftung and the Lower Saxony Ministry for Science and Culture
Research assistant

Euro Akademie Berlin
Lecturer at the professional school for social pedagogy

2014 2017
Hochschule Mannheim University of Applied Sciences
Lecturer at the Department social work

2013 – 2016
Zentralinstitut für Seelische Gesundheit, Mannheim
Artistic projects including exhibitions with children and adolescents in the paediatric psychiatry

2008 – 2010
Autonomous women’s shelter Heidelberg
Art therapeutic project with children and adolescents who experienced domestic violence

2009 – 2015
Children and youth services Wespinstift, Mannheim
Art therapeutic special service for paediatric psychiatric wards

County hospital Darmstadt-Dieburg
Art therapist in neurological rehabilitation

since 2008
Free-lance work

2007 – 2008
Free-lance work at Gent, Belgium

ArtSourceLab, Berlin
Artistic work with multinational traumatized adolescents

Xenion – psycho-social support for politically persecutees and survivors of torture, Berlin

Klinikum am Weissenhof, Weinsberg
Art within architecture project with inmates in forensic psychiatry

2003 – 2005
Wohlfahrtswerk für Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart
Co-group manager at the voluntary year of social service

2002 – 2003
Klinikum am Weissenhof, Weinsberg
Art therapy internship in forensic and addiction psychiatry

2002 – 2003
Klinikum am Weissenhof, Weinsberg
Voluntary year of social service in addiction psychiatry

scholarships, prizes + grants

Scientific Society for Creative Arts Therapies
Publication Award

Funding Pop-up Institute

Scientific Society for Creative Arts Therapies
Publication Award

Volkswagen Foundation
FACES – Documentary on the work of the Pop-up Institute

Volkswagen Foundation
The Pop-up Institute: Reducing stigma by means of Creative Arts Therapies
World knowledge – Structural support for ‘rare subjects’
Rare subjects mediate world knowledge
Funding line 2: Science communkation

DAAD congress travel grant Queen Mary University London

2018 – 2019 
Fellowship Open Science funded by Wikimedia Germany, Stifterverband and VolkswagenStiftung

2014 – 2016
Mathilde-Planck Foundation

European Commission
Erasmus scholarship for studying at Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmengen University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands


since 2017
Founding member of the German scientific society for Creative Arts Therapies (WFKT)

2016 – 2020
Member of and speaker of the doctoral candidates in the PhD colloquium of the Creative Arts Therapies Research Association (FVKT)

since 2015
Member of the German association for art therapy (DFKGT)